Jason’s Comic Reviews

I’m back again with another round of reviews. Some interesting titles this week. Some worth checking out, some not so much… Warning: there may be slight spoilers!

Assassin Nation #2

  • Image Comics
  • Written By Kyle Starks
  • Art by Erica Henderson

After surviving an attempt on his life in issue one, Rankin and his band of assassins set out to find the would be killer. The group of the world’s foremost assassins attempts some group therapy to get to know each other better, which doesn’t go well. The team takes the job of being bodyguards for Rankin, a former top assassin, now a crime boss. As you can imagine, assassins aren’t the best at protecting.

Issue one was full of laughs and action. Issue two does not disappoint. There’s a lot of character development. Each assassin shares in a unique way his or her first kills. Each one had a different path of how they got to the top of their field. The dialogue is fast and witty. The art appears to be more for a child’s book but with the bright colors and humorous dialogue, it works very well.

f you like stories about assassins then this is for you. The characters are quickly becoming likable, as well as likable as killers for hire can be. Don’t get too attached, these folks are starting to drop like flies.


Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary: Answer the Call Ghostbusters

  • IDW
  • Written by Devin Grayson
  • Art by S.L. Gallant

IDW is celebrating the 35th anniversary of Ghostbusters with four one-shots each featuring a different version of the Ghostbusters. This week’s offering is the Answer the Call Ghostbusters. That’s a mouthful. This is the team from the all-female Ghostbusters film from a few years back. The crew responds to a call regarding a two-year-old girl with ties to the paranormal. What seems to be a simple ghost leads to a stronger entity.

I enjoyed the newest Ghostbusters film. I thought it was fun and offered a new take on a classic concept. This issue captures the personalities of the leads perfectly. The store is fairly fast past and wraps up a little too neatly. The challenge they face should be harder to defeat. The art resembles the characters to an extent but is very over exaggerated. The storyline and art hearken back to the animated Ghostbusters show I watched as a kid.

This was a quick read. I was hoping for a little more depth. While fun, this tale is very simple. The highlight is that the characters are exactly as they were in the film and seem to be fairing well in their busting duties. if you enjoyed the film then this is a nice visit with the characters. 


Little Bird #2

  • Image Comics
  • Written by Darcy Van Poelgeest
  • Art By Ian Bertram

This series follows the efforts of freedom fights battling a totalitarian, uber-religious America. I really enjoyed issue one of Little Bird. Issue two picks up right where the first left off. Little Bird is in a dream-like state of death. She receives a vision from her mother, who tells little bird of her past. Little Bird learns what she must do and what is at stake. With the aid of the Axe, they attempt to rescue her mother and reinvigorate the resistance.

This is a very strange book. The take on religion is an interesting one. The first issue was at times confusing as to what was really happening. This issue clears up a lot of questions. The art style is unusual. However, the weird shape of the characters and their creepy eyes work well for an off-kilter story. I enjoy the pope-like leader of the USA. He is quite the zealot who has used religion to amass power and followers. And the costume design for all the characters is quite unique.

This book may not be for everyone. The violence and unsettling art may be off-putting to some. The first issue may have been a little too odd, however, this issue begins to ground the series. The story is starting to tighten up.  There’s still time to catch up this early in. If alternate histories are your cup of tea, then this series is for you.  

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About The Author

George Father, husband, son, friend, nerd, athlete, GenXGrownUp, Trekkie/Trekker, Browncoat, ... me.

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