Captain America – Civil War (2016) Review

Captain America – Civil War (2016) – Rated PG13 – Reviewed June 1, 2016 – IMDb

Released May 6, 2016
Released May 6, 2016

So, I finally got to go see this movie (dating someone seriously takes soooo much time lol) and what can I say? It was pretty damn good.

Would I say it’s as good as the first Avengers or Guardians? Ehhhhhhh, probably not, but it was definitely in the top tier of the super hero movies I’ve seen.

I think the thing that saved this movie from being a downer, like another movie I saw (cough)Batman v Superman(cough) is that they had some built-in lighter characters to call on. Ant-Man definitely stole the scenes he was in and the new actor they have playing Spider-man has me wanting to actually see him in the next re-boot!  DC needs to learn from Marvel on how to make a good super hero movie. Dark and broody are not a personality types people want to deal with for a whole movie. I mean teenagers have less angst that some of the DC heroes.

What else was there? Well, for a movie with a ton of people in it, they managed to not overwhelm me. They also managed to introduce some new characters without having to do all that crazy backstory stuff. Black Panther is pretty bad ass, that’s another movie that could be pretty great.

I know a lot of folks are down on the fact that there are a lot of “wash-rinse-repeat” movies coming out and there is some truth to that. But if you are looking for a movie that will entertain you then this one definitely accomplishes that goal.

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About The Author

Mo As someone who barely manages to squeeze in as a GenXer my memories include more of the 70's than those younger GenXers. Reading and movies are my passions with some video gaming thrown in there for good measure!

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