Jason’s Comic Reviews

I’m back again with another round of reviews. Some interesting titles this week. Some worth checking out, some not so much… Warning: there may be slight spoilers! Assassin Nation #2 Image Comics Written By Kyle Starks Art by Erica Henderson After surviving an attempt on his life in issue one, Rankin and his band of […]

Jason’s Comic Reviews #4

Welcome back to my ever-evolving comic reviews. Each week I will review a few new releases you may have missed on new comic Wednesday. As things change, mostly my mood, so will this column. Some weeks may be several new comics from various publishers or sometimes just one. There might be a time when it’s […]

Looking Back at Free Comic Book Day: Jason’s Comic Reviews

Welcome back to my ever-evolving comic reviews. Each week I will review a few new releases you may have missed on new comic Wednesday. As things change, mostly my mood, so will this column. Some weeks may be several new comics from various publishers or sometimes just one. There might be a time when it’s […]

Vamps and Spies: Jason’s Comic Reviews

Welcome back to my ever-evolving comic reviews. Each week I will review a few new releases you may have missed on new comic Wednesday. As things change, mostly my mood, so will this column. Some weeks may be several new comics from various publishers or sometimes just one. There might be a time when it’s […]